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See below some samples quotes, product descriptions and wordings that you may wish to use in your posts/shares with your network
- Music for Manifestation is a specifically curated collection of soundtracks that instantly and powerfully shift your energy, frequency and vibration and therefore HELP YOU CREATE THE REALITY OF YOUR DREAMS and quantum leap your goals for the year ahead and beyond!
- The master key to manifestation is the LAW OF VIBRATION. This music is created with the intention of bringing your mind and body into state of vibrational alignment with your wildest dreams!
- Music for Manifestation brings together offerings that are built upon state-of-the-art soundscapes, vocal improvisations and frequencies that help create this alignment in a quick and powerful way.
- Music for Manifestation is a specifically curated collection of soundtracks to help you create the reality of your dreams and quantum leap your goals! The Music for Manifestation portal includes over 2 hours of music chosen with specific intentions.
- The effect music has on our frequency is INSTANT AND POWERFUL and has been validated without question by modern day science. Vocal healing, sound healing and music recorded in certain frequencies, provide an immediate gateway to raise your vibration at a cellular level. By using this program you will access change at this cellular level, enabling you to completely shift your energy, reality, frequency and VIBRATION and come into alignment with your goals, dreams and desires!
- The Music for Manifestation portal creates a space where we can expand our imaginations, dreams and visions and increase our focus and passion to bring all our all that we desire into existence
- The Music for Manifestation portal includes over 2 hours of music chosen with specific intentions. These 6 pieces of music are designed to be immersive sound experiences that enhance and expand your Inspiration, Imagination, Motivation, Creation, Visualisation and Illumination of all that you desire and wish to bring into reality in the physical realm.
- Welcome Beautiful Friends to the creation of Redemption. This is a 5-track collection and a spoken Introduction that contains over 70 minutes of immersive sound healing with interwoven poetry.
- Redemption consists of 5 tracks (between 11-13 mins each), a spoken introduction and interwoven poetry. The introduction and poetry are also included in a written downloadable document in case you wish to read as well as listen.
- Redemption was created and brought to life as an offering of healing for all. This journey truly is for anyone seeking to bring more peace into their lives and who loves beautiful, relaxing music and song. Redemption may be especially supportive for:
- Anyone who is feeling trapped or lost in their current path of life and seeking a change and transformation in their circumstances.
Those who have, or still are challenged with addiction - Anyone who is or is currently experiencing depression or other mental health challenges and is seeking solace, tranquillity and support on this journey.
- Anyone struggling with the energies of guilt, shame or regret.
- For those seeking hope and comfort in moments of darkness and fear.
- The Wishing well is an offering for children of all ages to support with mental and emotional development and wellbeing
- The Wishing Well is a collection of Music, Meditations, Gratitudes and Affirmations for Children and indeed the whole family.
- Each of the offerings contained in the collection have been created to bring the listener into a greater state of calm, peace, relaxation and seek to open up a more beautiful, inspiring and magical world. This collection is a reminder of the beauty and power of our imaginations and offers a sanctuary of healing that we can go to anytime within our beings and minds
The Wishing Well Includes:
- A series of THREE beautifully recorded meditations designed for all ages
- A relaxing, healing sound track of music and voice
- Affirmations recorded with music
- Beautifully designed, printable journal pages to compliment the journey
- A suite of inspiring artwork to awaken the imagination
- We are in a period of time where there are ever increasing levels of stimulus in the world as well as rising demands and stresses of day to day life that children clearly feel but often don’t know how or cannot express.
- It is absolutely imperative we provide our children (the next leaders of our world) the tools to support in feeling and expressing emotions in a healthy way, helping them to bring calm to their nervous systems and self regulate, create more peace within their minds and enhance their overall wellbeing and health.
- The Wishing Well collection seeks to offer children and indeed adults, four simple, yet highly effective tools to cultivate more joy, peace, contentment and relaxation in their lives. These tools are meditation, sound and gratitude/affirmations. All of these tools are underpinned by the power of Musical Magic.
- If you want to know the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency, and vibration” – Nikola Tesla.
- “Where words fail, music speaks”
- Music opens the gates to a beautiful world within and indeed in our physical realities. The MASTER KEY is VIBRATIONAL FREQUENCY. I am deeply and endlessly fascinated and passionate about how music can shift our reality.
- Music can change our feelings, thoughts, and energy. Music has the power to morph and transform our beings. Music affects our mood, our attitude, our behaviour, our experiences, our actions and even our memories.
- Music can change and transform how we see and experience ourselves, our lives and the world. We are constantly being vibrated, on a cellular level, by heard and unheard sound frequencies. Sound vibrations have a tremendous influence over our beings as sound touches and influences our emotions like no other source of input or expression.
- Sound and music are nutrients for the nervous system. The auditory mechanism is a mega-portal to the brain and seeks to empower our overall wellbeing quickly and effectively.
- “Music is carried by the vibrations of molecules of air, like waves upon an ocean. Music captures and conveys the interior landscape of one human mind to another. Given that we are creative Beings who speak the language of symbolism and metaphor, through music we can dream melody, rhythm and harmony into our patterns. Our bodies are then able to pulse to the rhythm of the universe allowing us to connect deeply to our inner wisdom. Music is like a mother’s lullaby. Music is… Spirit taking form 💜
- Music gives a soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination and life to everything 🌟🎶🙏
- Music is not something that we write and perform. It is quite the contrary. It is a stream of consciousness that moves through us when we have reached an enlightened expression of being. All artists stand at the mouth of this current, yet we are not its source. It is a sacred, ethereal bond we establish with our willingness and dedication to let go of who we think we are and become who we were meant to be. It is not in the notes or even the instruments we play. It is in the resonation of our soul’s harmony in concert with the melodic source of creation where music thrives in its purest and truest expression. Music is the song of our soul